MTB news

The MTB Modules catalog is available online.
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Available to you in three languages. Complete and up-to-date offer of MTB homes.


🌟 Special Offer! Own your home for only 90,000 PLN – down from 99,000 PLN! 🌟

Dreaming of your own space but worried about a long construction process? The MTB-A modular home is ready faster and easier than you’d expect. 🏡 With modular technology, assembly is quick, allowing you to enjoy your dream space in no time.

Discover our offer

Think bigger. Live smaller.

In our homes, even the smallest ones, you will not have the impression that you are in a mobile or holiday home. The stability of our homes make you feel the comfort of a higher class hotel room. The ergonomic design never makes you feel that you are in a relatively small space. Try it for yourself, contact our representative to get an offer.

We work just as well, regardless of scale

We know how to present a flexible offer and provide the highest quality, regardless of whether we produce small houses or large hotels built from our modules.

Modular construction is one of the most dynamically developing markets in the world. We are proud to present you MTB Modules – a company that sets a new quality in modular systems. Regardless of what it is that you need – a hotel, an office building or a residential home, we will do everything so that our solutions satisfy your needs.

The seat of our company is in Poland. The dynamic growth of MTB Modules makes us operate globally. We have over a dozen representatives located all over the world. Get to know them and contact your country representative.

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contact number: +48 793 633 019 

Nieżywięć 335a,
77-300 Nieżywięć

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